Rectangular manway

Round manway

Round manway

Round manway

Rectangular manway

Round manway

Rectangular manway

Round manway

Round manway

Round manway

Round manway
Rectangular manway
Round manway
Round manway
Round manway
Rectangular manway
Round manway
Rectangular manway
Round manway
Round manway
Round manway
Round manway
Special-purpose manways is a product category that includes manways suitable for installation in tanks other than those made of stainless steel (except for products in the subcategory "manways for industry and energy"). In the case of special-purpose manways, the most important construction element is the mounting frame, which, depending on its design, may have different purposes.
Among the special-purpose manways, the following groups are distinguished:
A distinguishing feature of special-purpose manways is the fact that they are not serial products Thus, the vast majority of manways in this category are manufactured to individual order. This situation creates favourable conditions for partial customisation of the product to meet individual project needs.
Preparation of a custom manway design includes:
Custom solutions of this type are particularly valued by engineering companies that design and manufacture custom structures.
Special-purpose stainless steel manways are used in almost all industries, where it is necessary to use a closure enabling inspection inside a tank or device. Thus, the possibilities of using special-purpose manways are limited only by their parameters and construction requirements.
Please note, however, that most of the manways in our offer are designed to be used in food processing plants (unless otherwise indicated in the product description).
Examples of special-purpose manway applications:
A separate group of special-purpose manways are models designed for work in potentially explosive atmospheres (ATEX).
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